class="transparent" Chromtech : Distributors : Chromalytic


HTM Inro page > PDF and FlipPage catalogs = HTM Intro page with links > PDF acrobat & FlipPAGE(~20pages OK) FlipBook-1 catalogs(fast 800p);
 & some NEW FlipHTML-5 FLIP-HTML5 (very Fast ~450p limit;  compatible PC/AppleMac /I-Pads/ mobile phones inc Android)


CT are “authorised” Distributors for >. . .

“Chromalytic Technology” . . Ferrules ( Made in Australia by “Chromtech” ) Chromalytic Ferrules Made in Australia
XRestek Corp - USA Restek - Chromatography ProductsChromatography Columns GC & HPLC and Accessories; Air Monitoring Products; Siltek Sulfinert Parts, Tubing Fittings; Gas Purifiers
MEGAColumns - Italy MEGAColumns Fused Silica Capillary Columns - Chromatography Products Fused Silica Capillary Columns
VICI Inc - USA VICIValco-Cheminert Instrumentation Valves/FittingsInstrumentation Valves, Chromatography Fittings, GC Detectors (microTCD, PID); Permeation Tubes
VICI AG(Jour) - Switzerland VIVIAG(Jour) Fluid Transfer ProductsChromatography Fittings
( complementary to VICI-USA> Sister Co’s; Metronics, PrecisionSampling
VICI- Precision Sampling : Syringes ( Microliter,, GasTight )
VICI Matsen Gas Purifiers, Permeation Tubes
Value Plastics - USA  miniPlastic Fittings-ValuePlastics Value Plastics/ miniPlastic Fittings
Biotech - Sweden Biotech(Sweden) LC HPLC Fittings, Preistaltic Pumps, Degassers, Rheodyne Valves : Fluidics - Eastern Plastics ,Ismatec, Isolation Technologies,  Upchurch Scientific > Rheodyne>IDEX, Sapphire Eng, Systec,
- USA SRI Gas Chromatographs
DET Thermionic Detector / DET : TID Detectors / BeadsUnique Selective TID-type detectors - for GC add-on
Nutech Air Sampling Products - USA Nuutech Air Monitoring/Sampling(
BioChem Fluids - USA >. previously Omnifit Ltd(UK), BioChem Valves Inc -USA). .  .but now discontinued
BioTech Fluidics ( IDEX-Euro HPLC Fittings )

Membrane Solutions Inc - USA Membarne Solutions/Filtration - Fltration Products
Kebby Crimpers Kebby Crimpers/Decappersall sizes; Hand BenchPress; Air - Hand Crimper / Decappers ( fixed Head); Bench-Press Type; Pneumatic, Hand AIR Type All popular head types (interchangeable)
(> air compressor required )
X Essential Life Essential LIfe : LC Columns-MT- LC Prep Columns ( X = since Sold Out! )
MRC Labs ( General Lab Equipment . . . huge range ) MRC Labs- General Lab Equipment Israel > UK ? but ASK !
X MedLabs ( now = QOSINA ) ( Medico Fittings/consumables) Medlabd : Medico Fittings/Consumables
AELabs ( Lab Equipment) FLIP : AELabs Lab Equipment; Spectrometers FLIP : AELabs Spectrometer
BioBase (Lab Equipment, now inc. fume cabinets, glove boxes) Biobase General Lab Equipment
X LDetek : Plasma Emission Detector, High Purity Gas Analysis Instruments; Unique GCs for mid-range VOC & High Purity / Gas Analysis generally based on PED with TCD/FID . . . ALL simultaneous options MRC Labs- General Lab Equipment great range X > bought OUT!

plus many Others
SGE Scientific (TRAJAN)
( Dynamic Adsorbents - USA) ??? > signs of some arrogance ???

Search >>>

use obvious KEYWORDS > Graphite, Ferrules, Columns, chromatograph, Teflon Tube etc > use your imagination > & some common sense !


Agents/ sub-Distributors
in Australia . . .

Inquires are Welcome - discounts apply . . .  but ONLY IF U are “fair dinkum”

No Rights implied as to U being Direct distributors of “Chromalytics' Suppliers”
On-Sales are generally restricted to within Australia in each STATE & Terirtory
( DH Dan “permitting” ! ) (and NZ in some instances)

New Import Companies

Chromalytic Technology is a “high” technically orientated business
> Labs in particular !

WE will consider at our discretion being agents for similar Product Lines or of our choosing but do NOT intend to cross-sell identical products to those we already list
Pricing and Quality of cross-products are NOT necessarily interdependant !

we will not consider Companies or Product Items without comprehensive details nor negotiate with vague or abiguous operators . . . please desist!
. . . customers please Note we are selective here too!
“Scammers” will NOT be tolerated . . . NOR “Twitters or Tweats” !
Or “in-your-Facebook(s”) !

CT > Distributors for . . .

NOW ? > (“simlpy” ] use TAWK Tick-sfrom ~31Mar24+ but still  ? >
& evolving ! albeit TAWK “HELP”itself Is Still a bit “farcical” ! Re AI > garbage-IN > OUT ! . . . but still 2-5year away to minimise obvious “scams > “phishing” etc?
Until ALL such OEM > Marketing Cos’ > GET REAL ! FREE ?
BUT Still within LIMITS ! U must Pay for necessary extra IF U need to Install ?

“Real AI”?

Distributors for


> ( Starters >
re Covid-19 ( - )

Admin Categories
Sub Index

WOW > FlipSlides
( > ALT Home Pages
Our “External” Sites )

NEW 2018-23+

FlipHML5 Site Catalog Library ( & fairly “responsive” ! )

PC  ><  Mobile
TECH Overview TickOK

Our “WIX“ Site > & a much improved “responsive” >
Mobile >< PC SITE

CT Introduction2021>+

CT-About Us

x ~195ea+


ReadThis First ! (only1p)

preferably Talk to US ! via e-mail > CHAT ? >spasmodic & NOT AI !

NEW miniCart2022

but NOW “focus”
on OUR -m 5 ! pages

on Your Mobile ?
& “responsive !
> You may need to “Zoom’ ! ?
“+Pinch & Rotate”but > OK ! ?
as a preview ! THEN > any PC !
for THE Detail !  but Then FOCUS on -m5

Flip Bookcase >100s>catalogs



  see here !

2023-10 > Try-It!
“MS-Bing” SEARCH !

Add Bing Search Bar

* multiple Word Step Search Much Improved Over Google
> & add 
“chromtech + Australia”
to Your “Keywords

& even BETTER
for ALL of  Us !

> very “Useful” ! BUT NOT without IT’s
“idiosynchrasies” TOO !

BUT it IS ! “AI” ???

NOW ! >
MS-Copilot & FREE !

> extended Versions for
MS Office APPs
> even more AI
BUT U may need to “register”
& THEN U must PAY for IT ? !

Main Menu  (s) see
( But with/ NO “Flyouts” )

* Index-Extended
to cover ALL HTMs
& with Fly-outs

> FLIP(S ( > All PDFs (DIR)



<      FlipHTML5
>  HTM


404 Error ? OK ! IF “%20” & Or ALL “  “ ( spaces ) deleted > or replaced  with “ - ” in the URL above & >< !  > > > Videos

MalsCart  > mini SHOPPE  proto-Shop2CT > “OUR Consensus”> CC<GW & Energy  BLOGs >

& a
HI-TECH “Resource”
> 4 U !

but see Scams
> New”Phishes”

Corrections ! > ALL ( > MANY ) “HTM” links with “ “  or a “%20” ( space ) in the URL
now are “auto-fixed” on-line by NOF15
NOT with “%20” but with “ -” ( hypen ) instead & are NOW W3C / HTML5  OK ! 
“ _ “ ( underscore ) are also  accepted !
with NO dreaded “404” errors !* FlipHTML5 & PDFs ar NOT effected by this “farcical”>”anomaly” !


GoogleThis CHROMTECH Site-2022

but “focus” OUR -m5

ALT SItes (Index)

-m4 , -PC , (-m5)

CHROMTECH :  Specialists in Chromatography
Chromatography Fluid Transfer Products :
& FOR  All Your Laboratory Needs !
- Importers & Distributors in AUSTRALIA